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Corn Brûlée

The sweetness of corn and richness of cream, brought together to create a beautiful melody and contrast to the caramelized sugar on top. Plus its fun to eat!

Author: Stephanie Kingery

Prep time: 15 min | Bake time: 20 minutes | Chill time: 4+ hrs (overnight is ideal)

Yields: 6 (8oz) ramekins


  • 20 oz of heavy cream

  • 1/2 cup granulated sugar + sugar for brûlées

  • 6 large egg yolks, room temp

  • 1/4 tsp of fine sea salt

  • Corn. This can vary depending on what you have. I used fresh corn that I cut off the cob along with the cobs, but you could use canned corn or just multiple cobs if needed. (Also be sure to eat the corn cornels after cooking or use it in another dish as corn cooked in cream/milk is delicious!!)

  • You will also need some ramikens and a baking dish to place the ramekins in for the water bath. A torch is also helpful, but not necessary as you can use an oven broiler set to high.


  1. Preheat the oven to 325 F.

  2. Gather and prep your corn.

  3. Place your corn, salt, and 20 oz of heavy cream into a pan on medium heat. Stir to infuse for about 10 minutes until cream is at a rolling simmer just before boiling.

  4. Strain your mixture and set your corn cream aside to cool (Don’t forget to eat your stained cooked corn cornels with some butter and salt!).

  5. Boil some water to add to the baking dish later.

  6. Separate 6 egg yolks in a large bowl and add 1/2 cup of granulated sugar. Beat the mixture with an electric hand mixer on med-low or with a whisk for about 2-4 minutes, until the mixture is a fluffy pale yellow.

  7. Slowly stream the corn cream into the egg mixture as you beat vigorously with a whisk or on low with a hand mixer. Do this slowly to make sure the eggs don’t become scrambled.

  8. Place 6 -8oz ramekins in a baking dish and fill them evenly with your corn brûlée mixture.

  9. Place the baking dish onto the oven rack and carefully pour the boiling water into the baking dish making sure not to splash any into the ramekins. Water should go about 1/2 way up to the ramekins.

  10. Bake for about 30-45 minutes or until the the center is set, but still has a bit of a jiggle.

  11. Let rest on the counter until COMPLETELY cool, once room temp., cover them in plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least 4 hours to set, but overnight is preferred.

  12. Use a tsp of granulated sugar to evenly coat the top of each ramekin and brûlée the top with a torch or a broiler on high heat until just caramelized.

  13. Crack that top and enjoy!

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